The Effects of Perceived Quality and Brand Image on Santri Loyalty at Islamic Boarding Schools in Jombang, Indonesia: A Moderation Model of Word-of-Mouth
Islamic boarding schools are responsible for producing competent, sincere, independent, and steadfast human resources and prioritizing the community's interests in implementing Islamic da'wah. Kyai teaches children the Qur'an from their sons, children from around their homes, and children from villages around the pesantren. This study proved and analyzed the effect of perceived quality, word-of-mouth, and brand image on the loyalty of Islamic boarding school students in Jombang Regency. The research design uses an explanatory approach. The population in this study were all students and guardians of Islamic boarding schools in Jombang Regency aged 12-15 years, totalling 3000 students. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling with the Slovin formula and obtained a total sample of 350. The novelties in this study are: 1) word of mouth does not moderate the effect of perceived quality on student loyalty at Islamic boarding schools; 2) word of mouth moderates the effect of brand image on student loyalty. The variable measurement uses a Likert scale, and data analysis techniques use SEM AMOS software. The study's results prove: 1) Perceived quality has a significant and positive effect on loyalty; 2) Brand image has a significant and positive effect on loyalty; 3) Word-of-mouth does not moderate the effect of perceived quality on loyalty; 4) Word-of-mouth significantly moderates the effect of brand image on loyalty.
Keywords: perceived quality, brand image, word-of-mouth, loyalty.
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