Soft Skills Model for Employability in Mexico
Nowadays, soft skills are known as skills of the XXI century; in Mexico, it is necessary to promote or promote soft skills to encourage productivity, employability, and improve the quality of life of people or young professionals, so it is essential to know those skills that, in addition to the basic knowledge, employers require since skills necessary to contribute to the same objectives of the companies can be determined [1]. In any organization, certain competencies acquired by employers are required, and that is where soft skills play an important and fundamental role in companies, soft skills are considered a holistic concept of competence that involves the mobilization of knowledge, attitudes, and values to meet complex demands [2]. The objective of this research was to design a model for the employability of companies in Mexico. The methodology used for this research was a quantitative approach, causal correlational scope, and non-experimental, translational, and causal correlational research design [3]. Factor analysis was used to prevent two variables from measuring the same and multiple regression to determine the influence of soft skills on employability [3] in large companies in transformation in the State of Hidalgo, Mexico. The research instrument contains 22 items with a Likert scale from totally agree to strongly disagree, with a Cronbach’s alpha of .830. The results were that the soft skills that influence employability are recognition, control of emotions, creative thinking, understanding of feelings, analytical reflections, own feelings and empathy, and relating and understanding with others; it could be concluded that hard work is needed with the integration of previous soft skills with employers.
Keywords: soft skills, employability, conceptual model.
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