The Role of Entrepreneurship Education in the Development of Female Entrepreneurial Intention among Students at Hassan II University in Casablanca, Morocco

Fatihi Abderrahim, Radid Mohamed, El Kababi Khadija, Khalid Lahyani


This article aims to describe a new idea about female entrepreneurial intentions in Morocco, which are lower than men's. The rate of women's involvement in business in Morocco is still low (16.2%). To stimulate female entrepreneurship, the Moroccan authorities have been making remarkable efforts for years and are undertaking actions and policies that facilitate the creation of enterprises and the development of the business world. Encouraging girls' schooling and entrepreneurship education is increasingly emerging as a stimulus for women's entrepreneurship. Our research is part of this perspective, gaining momentum among education policymakers. Having dealt in our previous studies with the impact of entrepreneurship training on the development of entrepreneurial intention among students at Hassan II University in Casablanca, Morocco, and given that the rate of female students represents 56% of the total number of students, the rate of female entrepreneurship is still low. It is worth and even necessary to study the impact of this type of training on the entrepreneurial intention of female students at Hassan II University of Casablanca. To achieve this, we proceeded with a bibliographical study of the subject, and from an exploratory study that we conducted using a qualitative survey, we collected actual data, allowing us to draw scientific results. This survey used a questionnaire on Google Drive, which we tested, readjusted, and validated by three university expert teachers and administered to the female students of Hassan II University of Casablanca. We developed new research results through our survey of female students at this university and clearly showed that female entrepreneurial intention increases among students who have taken entrepreneurship courses or participated in seminars that encourage business creation and female entrepreneurship. Most of these students (60%) believe that entrepreneurship education stimulates their desire to be women entrepreneurs, while only a minority (6.83%) opts for salaried employment and function.


Keywords: female entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurial training, female entrepreneurship, Moroccan students.

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