The Effects of Workload and Supervisor Support on Work Stress and Employee of Indonesian Navy Account Division Performance in East Java, Indonesia

Ratna Setiawati, Ida Aju Brahmasari, Ida Aju Brahma Ratih


Employees in an organization are the primary source of organizational activities that other resources cannot replace because organizations with complete facilities and equipment are ultimately useless without employees who work optimally. Due to the high demands of today's work that employees must meet on accounts, makes employees experience increased workload, which can be stressful for employees on accounts in the ranks of the Navy. This study aimed to prove and analyze the effect of workload and supervisor support on work stress and employee performance in the Navy organizational unit in the East Java Region. The population of this study was Account employees at the Navy organizational unit in the East Java region, totalling 598 people and the number of samples was 252 people using the questionnaire method. Data analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of the study prove that: 1) workload has a positive and significant effect on work stress, 2) workload has no significant effect on employee performance, 3) supervisor support has a negative and significant effect on work stress, 4) supervisor support has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, and 5) work stress has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.


Keywords: workload, supervisor support, work stress, employee performance.

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