Development of a Blended Learning Model Based on Case Based Learning

Eko Risdianto, Afrizal Mayub


This research aims to develop a case-based learning (CBL) blended learning model assisted by Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for the implementation of the Free Learning-Free Campus (MBKM) curriculum in tertiary institutions. The research method used is joint research that combines qualitative and quantitative studies. The research was conducted at Bengkulu University for limited trials and several partner campuses, such as the State Institute of Islamic Religion (IAIN) Curup and Palembang Aviation Polytechnic, for broad trials. The study results show that the learning model suitable for applying the CBL method in higher education is the CBL-based blended learning model using MOOCs. The design of the Blended Learning model based on CBL includes the design of the Learning Model starting with learning objectives, subject matter, learning activities, media resources, and tools and assessment. The learning activities consist of an introduction, core learning, and closing. Core Activities use MOOCs to assist the online learning process (Blended). A Blended Learning model based on CBL using the MOOCs system has been developed and can already apply in the blended learning process in tertiary institutions in implementing and implementing the MBKM curriculum. Implementation of the model developed in trials at the University of Bengkulu, and partner (IAIN Curup Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Study Program), Palembang Aviation Polytechnic (field testing will be in October-November). The novelty of this research is the use of MOOCs as a medium for implementing blended learning models. Besides, CBL applies in the implementation of learning with a blended learning model.


Keywords: blended learning, case-based learning, Massive Open Online Courses, MBKM curriculum.

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