Family Efforts in Improving Life Quality of Patients with Chronic Kidney Failure, Undergoing Hemodialysis Therapy

Neila Sulung, Evi Hasnita, Cici Apriza Yanti


Chronic kidney failure or end-stage kidney disease can impair kidney function. It is progressive and irreversible. One way to maintain survival is hemodialysis. The dependence on hemodialysis will reduce the quality of life of patients. This research aimed to describe, analyze and interpret family efforts to improve the quality of life of patients with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis therapy in Dr. Achmad Mochtar Bukittinggi. This research was qualitative, using a phenomenological approach conducted in July 2019. The research population was 118 people. Six people were chosen as the samples using the purposive sampling technique. The data were collected through in-depth interviews and analyzed by the Colaizzi method. The research results showed that the family efforts in improving the quality of life for patients contain four themes: 1) assisting in meeting physiological needs, 2) providing psychological support, 3) assisting in social activities, and 4) assisting in solving environmental problems. Family efforts in improving the quality of life for patients were viewed from physical health, psychological health, and social and environmental relations. So families are expected to do their best to improve the quality of life for patients.


Keywords: quality of life, chronic kidney failure, family.

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