Diagnosis of Self-Knowledge to Improve the Organizational Climate of Small Businesses in Tulancingo, Hidalgo, México

Martha Teresa Soto García, Manuel Alejandro Robles Acevedo, Cecilia Ibarra Cantu, Gisela Yamin Gomez Mohedano, Hector Eduardo Mendoza Espinoza


Self-knowledge strengthens abilities and skills, gives direction and meaning to a person's life, and improves his behavior and attitudes in the same way that it allows the individual to achieve goals and objectives. This study aims to reduce job dissatisfaction through self-knowledge and contribute to improving the work environment through self-knowledge. When the individual does not know himself, his aspirations, goals, strengths and weaknesses, motivations, when he does not have a life project and does not know what he wants, why he reacts in a or another way, therefore, the individual acts without responsibility for blaming someone or something else for what happens to him and this affects his daily life and therefore, the organizational climate. The main objective of this study was to know how self-knowledge affects the improvement of the organizational climate using tools from the semiology of everyday life model to diagnose the harmony and fullness of the workers and simultaneously diagnose the organizational climate, analyzing the results of a multivariate statistical analysis where we observe what aspects should be considered to improve people's quality of life and thereby contribute to improving the organizational climate by reducing dissatisfaction and raising people's quality of life. This study allowed us to see that physical and emotional health are essential for attention.


Keywords: organizational climate, self-awareness, life project, semiology of everyday life.



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