Effect of Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction on Service Quality among Nursing Staff: A Systematic Review

Saad Hamdan Alotaibi, Salah Khlief S. Almotairi, Saleh Ishq Z. Aladhyani, Thaifallah Munahi Alotaibi, Yousef Ashaq Alodhiyany, Sultan Seitan Almughairi


Organizational justice is one of the critical elements of organizational and professional development and is associated with improved staff performance, commitment and job satisfaction, leading to enhanced quality of care. Additionally, the job satisfaction of nursing staff is an indication of a good working environment and institutional management. The article answers the following question: "Is there a relationship between organizational justice and job satisfaction among nurses at national and international levels?" based on an online search of 12 scientific databases, which allows various national and international data to be examined. A comprehensive systematic review of 260 titles was conducted, of which 50 studies met the inclusion criteria. However, 12 studies completed the data and were included in the qualitative synthesis. Most nurses were satisfied that overall, nurses' perceptions of organizational justice and workplace deviance were above average. Moreover, most of the studies analyzed found a strong relationship between organizational justice and job satisfaction. The results of this study demonstrate a positive relationship between job satisfaction and quality of care, as well as a positive relationship between organizational justice and quality of care.


Keywords: organizational justice, job satisfaction, service quality, nursing staff.



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