A Review: Blockchain Technology Applications in the Field of Higher Education
Education is undergoing a continuous digital change. The administrative departments must be able to handle grading, admissions, enrollments, and certificate recognition efficiently and securely. Course administrators should have confidence in both e-learning and e-assessment. Lastly, students should be able to access course materials from anywhere and take tests outside their institutions. With the advancement of education governing systems and governance abilities, technology has broader applicability in the education sector, as it is the ideal technology for securing data. This article aims to determine the state of blockchain applications in education, their benefits, and concerns, as well as to show that the blockchain is becoming a vital technology in future education. In conjunction with digital signatures for identification and verification, blockchain may be the best approach to digital transformation in education. This article cites papers evaluating and detailing the applications and challenges of blockchain technology in the higher education sector. An extensive literature review was conducted, and 63 papers that contributed significantly to the discussion of blockchain's potential in education were chosen for the review. The analysis of these papers provided important information and answered the research questions about how blockchains are currently being used in education, which features can help this field, and what problems need to be solved. Analysis shows that blockchain could become important in the field of education. However, some important technological, regulatory, and academic issues must be resolved before adoption.
Keywords: blockchain technology, blockchain applications, higher education, data security, data privacy, certification management.
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