Experimental Study on Flexural Performance of UHPC Joint Beams with Tooth Block and Bolted Connection
To investigate the flexural performance of precast UHPC joint beams with tooth block and bolted connection,flexural test was performed on six UHPC joint beams with tooth block and bolted connection(joint beams for short) and two UHPC beams without joints. The effects of bottom-longitudinal reinforcement, steel subplate, and epoxy glue setting on joint on the failure mode, flexural strength, mid-span deflection, top-bottom-side strain of connecting steel plate and joint top-bottom-side longitudinal relative displacement of these joint beams were discussed. The effect of UHPC creep under long-time compressive stress on the pre-tightening force of bolt was analyzed by finite element software ANSYS. The results show two failure modes of UHPC joint beams with different reinforcement ratio of bottom-longitudinal reinforcement, one of which is flexural rupture of UHPC section in the region where flexural rigidity is changed, and the other is joint failure caused by wedge-shaped failure of tooth block. The effect of joint-painted epoxy glue on the flexural behavior of joint beams is negligible, and steel subplate setting on the side of joint can not only increase the flexural strength of joint and flexural performance of connecting plate, but also reduce the mid-span deflection of joint beams and joint top-bottom-side longitudinal relative displacement. The UHPC creep under long-time compressive stress can reduce the pre-tightening force of bolt by 24.7%.
Keywords: Ultra-High Performance Concrete(UHPC), tooth block, bolted connection, steel subplate, epoxy glue, creep
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