The Relationship between Learner Autonomy and Students’ Writing Skills

Uli Agustina Gultom, Widyastuti Purbani, Anita Triastuti


Learner autonomy is considered one of the essential factors affecting students' success in language learning. Students who have autonomy can manage and apply learning strategies to advance their language skills. It means learner autotomy will also help students improve their writing skills. This study aims to examine the level of learner autonomy of higher education students and its relationship with their writing skills. This is a quantitative study that examines the correlation between the two variables. A learner autonomy questionnaire and a writing test were used to collect quantitative data, which were then analyzed descriptively using the SPSS program. The sample included 125 undergraduate students from the Teacher Training and Education Faculty in Indonesia. An analysis of the Pearson Product Moment correlation was conducted to determine whether learner autonomy and writing skills had a significant and positive correlation. The finding showed a significant and positive correlation between the degree of learner autonomy and students' writing skills. This indicates that students with greater autonomy benefit from developing good writing abilities. This study also discovered that learner autonomy is one of the characteristics examined to predict students' learning achievement. From the results of the study, some recommendations on how to promote learner autonomy in language classrooms are provided.


Keywords: learner autonomy, writing skills, language learning.

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