Nahdatul Ulama, Religious Traditions, and Rural Communities: Narrative of Shifting Religious Traditions of the People of Bangunrejo Kidul Village, East Java

Mibtadin, Rosidin, Dandung Budi Yuwono, Arnis Rachmadhani, Ahsanul Khalikin, Reslawati


Globalization marked by advances in science and technology is inevitable, including the people of Bangunrejo Kidul Kedunggalar Ngawi Village. They are faced with maintaining traditions and following modernization. In the last three decades, the social, religious, and cultural faces of their people have shifted due to educational, transportation, and economic factors. What is the shape of this shift in religious traditions? This research is qualitative descriptive research, data collection was conducted by three ways: interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis using interactive analytical models includes data reduction, data delivery, and conclusions. This study aimed to describe the shift in socio-religious traditions of the people of Bangunrejo Kidul Village due to globalization. This research sharpens the paradigm of socio-religious philosophy in the sociological approach of religion. By the effect of modernization, the people of Bangunrejo Kidul Village are faced with a new religious movement that brings a purification ideology that erodes Islamic traditions and nationalism. As a result, they were uprooted from their own cultural roots and traditions, causing crises of spirituality and moral damage to society. Nahdatul Ulama (NU) strengthens rural Sufism as a form of engaging tradition through spirituality groups, such as recitation, tahlilan, and other religious activities. This spirituality group exists in the public sphere for social, religious, and cultural activities in the presence of Islam in the community. The association spirituality has become a symbol of cultural resistance to violent ideologies and strengthened community resilience. The existence of NU places Islam as a social ethic in two respects: religion as the source and vision of community morality and Islam as a giver of peace. NU strives to educate life through education, social, cultural, and religious to provide a real contribution to realizing a just and civilized society. The spirituality community has an open religious understanding that puts forward the values of brotherhood (al-ukhuwah), idolatry (al-wathoniyah) and humanity (al-insaniyah). A friendly religious model based on the local culture of Bangurejo Kidul Village is expected to shape the character and identity of a polite, tolerant, and civilized nation.


Keywords: Nahdatul Ulama, tradition, rural communities, public spaces, spirituality associations.

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