Risk Factors of Sitting Cross-Legged on Low Back Pain of Students at Islamic Boarding School
This study aimed to analyze the correct cross-legged sitting position to prevent low back pain in students at Islamic boarding schools. This study used an analytical design with a cross-sectional design. The study was conducted 30 males on Students at the Durrotu Aswaja Islamic Boarding School in Semarang. Participants also agreed to the procedure by filling out and signing the informed. The instrument in this study used a questionnaire and pain measurement of low back pain using the Visual Analog Scale. The results of this study indicate that 20 out of 30 Islamic boarding school students have experienced low back pain due to the cross-legged position. From test data A to C found the average results show 13% of respondents experiencing very severe pain, 9% of respondents experiencing severe pain, 73% of respondents experiencing moderate pain, and 6% of respondents experiencing mild pain. In conclusion, many things cause low back pain, one of which is the effect that sitting in one position for a long time has on low back pain. Some of the pain results in complaints such as low back pain, knee pain, and tingling. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic's social isolation, only students who signed informed consent were willing to engage in the study until it was finished, which resulted in a insignificant number of respondents. Many respondents were still in their homes or local communities at the time, which poses a limitation for this study.
Keywords: sitting cross-legged, low back pain, students, Islamic boarding school.
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