The Digital Module to Improve Students’ SEP Skills during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Wirdiyatusyifa, Widha Sunarno, Agus Supriyanto


The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in learning activities that were originally carried out face-to-face in schools to turn into online learning. The implementation of online learning has several challenges, one of which is the development of student skills in the 21st century, especially SEP skills. SEP skills of students are needed in learning physics. Students' SEP skills are currently still in the low category. To support the improvement of students' SEP skills, teaching materials in the form of digital modules are applied. This study aimed to examine the role of digital modules in improving students' SEP skills during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method with a questionnaire technique using 38 items based on eight aspects of SEP skills. The participants in this study were 23 students in a high school in Karanganyar Regency, Indonesia. The results showed that the average SEP skill score after using the digital module was higher (102.34) than before using the digital module (90.58). Based on the value of N gain, the improvement of students' SEP skills in the initial three aspects is in the medium category and the other five aspects are in the low category. The digital module was proved to affect improving SEP skills, although the increase was not very significant. This is because the digital module is equipped with various novelties such as virtual laboratory activities, physics animations, and interactive videos that can help improve students' SEP skills.


Keywords: 21st century student abilities, physics learning, online learning.

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