Development of Inquiry-Based Social Science Digital Book to Improve Critical Thinking of Vocational School

Fauzi Rachman, Sunardi, Muhammad Ahyar, Gunarhadi


This study describes the need to develop and take steps to build Inquiry-Based Social Science Digital Books to improve vocational high school students’ critical thinking. This type of research is a case study approach whose data sources are data from class X Vocational High School Students and History Teachers. The data collection methods used observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis used the interactive flow analysis technique, which consisted of data reduction, display, and verification. Based on the results of field observations, the study results showed that student learning outcomes through Distance Learning (PJJ) History during the COVID-19 pandemic were still low. Based on the initial comments in six vocational schools in Sukoharjo Regency, it was found that social studies teachers had difficulties delivering history social studies material to students. As a result, students have difficulty in understanding the subject matter, impacting low learning outcomes. From the interviews conducted, information was obtained that teachers were less skilled at integrating social studies learning using digital book teaching media. Hence, developing an inquiry-based historical, and social studies digital book is still necessary to improve students’ critical thinking.


Keywords: critical thinking, digital book media development, vocational school.

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