Production of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) Using the Bacterium Ralstonia Eutropha to Obtain Bio-Plastic

William Alulema Catota, Araceli Lucio-Quintana, Marcelo García Muñoz, Favian Bayas-Morejón


The purpose of this research was to publicize the use of agro-industrial substrates in obtaining PHAs-type granules, which are synthesized intracellularly by some bacterial genera as reserve material when they encounter nutrient limitations, which would replace synthetic polymers, but the cost of elaboration of this process is expensive, for that reason in the present study different concentrations of substrate were evaluated using a DBCA experimental design. The study to obtain PHA was carried out in three concentrations of ED from cassava starch during two fermentation times. The best time was 72 hours with adding 10g/L hydrolyzed cassava starch syrup. Initiating the isolation of the bacterium from soils where the PHA-producing bacteria live, for its identification, the Gram and molecular staining technique (PCR) was used, and it was distinguished as a Gram-negative bacterium whose carbon source was the yucca flour syrup. Subsequently, the protocol of conditions that intervene in the batch-type fermentation was established. During this time, the accumulation of PHAs, the consumption of glucose, and the accumulation of cells were evaluated through a microbial growth curve. Next, the extraction of the biopolymer was carried out using solutions with acid. Finally, the lamination of the biopolymer was carried out, which does not completely cover the proposed product. Rather, it was possible to cover 10% of the entire product.


Keywords: reducing sugars, polyhydroxyalkanoates, Gram and molecular staining technique, hydrolysis.

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