Impact of Team Member Exchange and Servant Leadership on Employee Performance with Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Servant Leadership has become a new field of leadership research. It has been of great interest in the last decade in that it is related to virtue ethics. However, in Indonesia, studies on this issue are still limited. Many researchers debate this new theory of Servant Leadership because it has been found that the views are significantly different. This study aimed to determine whether Servant Leadership (SLS) and Team Member Exchange (TMX) and the mediating role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) were feasible and valuable for organizational success in life insurance companies. The scientific novelty of this study is our salience of Team Member Exchange and the OCB mediating role in explaining TMX performance among National Ownership Life Insurance employees in Riau Islands, Indonesia. We also examined the role of OCB in moderating the indirect effects of SLS on performance. The survey data collected from 160 employees using the SEM AMOS data analysis technique showed that SLS is positively related to performance through OCB, and Team Member Exchange (TMX) negatively affects performance. The moderated mediation test confirmed the SLS moderating effect through OCB. Our research findings also guide enhancing the development and utilization of OCB in the insurance organizations. We have given an answer based on evidence about how we can apply it. This study also broadens our understanding of the importance of the relationship between SLS, TMX, and OCB.
Keywords: servant leadership, team member exchange, organizational citizenship behavior, employee performance.
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