Effects of Application Satisfaction, Promotions, Ease of Payment and Convenience on Intention to Repurchase Food Online

Chanin Yoopetch, Pisit Siriphan, Suthawan Chirapanda


People’s lifestyles in today’s fast-changing world have led more consumers to try the new food ordering services via smartphone applications. The competition among food ordering service providers has become increasingly intense, and companies are struggling to retain customers who reuse their services. This study examined the effects of promotions, convenience, and ease of payment on the repurchase intentions of online food shoppers. A group of 416 Thai volunteers was recruited for a questionnaire survey on user intentions to make online purchases. The research goal of the current study was to investigate the influential factors affecting the intention to repurchase in the context of online food delivery services. The results indicated that application satisfaction, promotions, ease of payment, and convenience positively affected repurchase intentions. However, the element of convenience had no significant effect on users’ satisfaction with the chosen food delivery application. The results are discussed in relation to published studies, and practical implications are provided with guidelines for online companies to improve their business performance.


Keywords: ease of payment, promotion, convenience, satisfaction with food delivery application, repurchase intention.



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