Module to Support Independent Learning of Elementary School Students in the Pandemic Period

Ari Puspitowati, Siswandari, Dewi Rochsantiningsih, Wiranto


Lost learning during a pandemic causes students' learning outcomes to drop. An alternative solution to the child's learning problem is learning with modules. Learning modules suitable for elementary school students need to be developed. Therefore, the study aimed to: (1) Discover the condition of elementary school students learning during the pandemic period; (2) Investigate the importance of independent learning; (3) Examine the use of modules as a supporting tool; (4) Delivering module illustration that can be developed for students. Furthermore, this study used a qualitative method with a phenomenology approach, and elementary school students, parents, and teachers serve as informants. The data were collected by interview and document, using the citation technique known as snowball citation, while the data was analyzed using data triangulation. The following conclusions were drawn: (1) Students felt uncomfortable learning during the pandemic; (2) Independent learning was important for elementary school students; (3) All parents agreed that the module could facilitate independent learning during the pandemic period; (4) The module illustration developed for elementary school students was completed by examples or real-life application. In cooperation with relevant individuals, the learner can make the decisions necessary to meet their learning needs and comprises internal and external components. Reflective skills are a combination of the learner's cognitive, metacognitive, and affective abilities, which we will refer to as their "internal components." The learner's "external environment" refers to the learning facility, time available, and peer and facilitator interaction. It contained learning material, objectives, question model, and evaluation and was understandable, attractive, and pleasing to learn. Also, this was completed by video link, adapted to the learning needs, and contained character development.


Keywords: elementary school, independent learning, module, pandemic period.

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