Handbooks and the Use of Contexts

Kenza Chaari, My Ismail Mamouni, Naceur Achtaiche


In this work, we focus on using contexts in some French and the Moroccan handbooks to reveal how the contextualization is used in learning situations and if it is to reach the skills and objectives fixed by the official guidelines. For this aim, we will proceed in two major steps. Firstly, the theoretical part analyzes the pertinence of contextualization to issue an interpretation. Secondly, an experimental part consists in putting into practice all the conclusions and the interpretations from the first part. We will rely on a data collection grid that allows us to measure several criteria and obtain some indicators about using the contexts in the French and Moroccan textbooks. We conclude that the Moroccan textbooks "do not contextualize enough" but stand out by varying the time distribution of the proposed activities. On the contrary, the French textbooks offer a sufficient number of real contexts. However, an effort should be made in their time distribution. This can help textbook writers to improve or think about the mathematics teaching methods.


Keywords: mathematics education, contexts, textbook analysis, algebra.





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