The Effectiveness of Village-Campus Program in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

P. Muljono, A. T. Maulana, Y. Bakhtiar


The village-campus program is a knowledge and technology transfer program, and IPB's innovation dissemination to the community helps provide solutions to general agricultural problems. The idea of the village-campus program was born from the rich availability of research results and innovation at the university. On the other side, many community conditions still require a touch of science and practical technologies. Therefore, the village-campus program aims to provide solutions for the community to the problems in the field that concern. The aims of this research are: (1) to determine the effectiveness of the village campus programs that have been taking place in the area around Bogor; (2) to analyze community empowerment around campus; and (3) to design strategies for developing village campus programs in the future. The method used to determine the effectiveness of the village campus program is to examine the process of planning, implementing, and evaluating the impact of activities felt by the participants and managers of these activities. This program requires the participation of the community. The concept of participation used the concepts of Cohen and Uphoff, which describes the planning, implementation, evaluation, and result relishing. The level of effectiveness is measured using indicators of understanding programs, a clear target, timely achievement goals, and output. The internal factors are the characteristics, such as age, gender, education level, attendance frequency, and profession. The external factors are linkages between stakeholders in the program organizer, sponsorship, and village facilitator. Based on a survey by Rank Spearman and Chi-Square test, only the frequency of attendance significantly correlates with participation. However, external factors and effectiveness have no significant correlation with participation level.


Keywords: effectiveness, external factors, internal factors, village-campus, participation.




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