The Effect of the Addition of Gambir Catechins on Antioxidants and Antibacterial Hard Candy Products

Maryam, Tosty Maylangi Sitorus, Hartami Dewi, Rizki Fadhillah Lubis


The COVID-19 pandemic has changed consumer demands for food products due to the importance of eating functional foods capable of increasing the body's immune system, such as those containing natural bioactive compounds. Immune system enhancement through food intake is one of the top priorities for consumers globally. Hard candy products are ordinary foods consumed by people of all ages and social classes with numerous negative consumer perceptions due to their ability to cause dental caries. Therefore, it is imperative to develop hard candy as a functional food with antioxidant and antibacterial properties derived from natural ingredients. This research aims to innovate and design hard candy products that are acceptable to consumers with the addition of gambir catechins to its formulas. This research is considered novel for it provides innovation and design of hard candy products that are acceptable to consumers with the addition of gambir catechins. The result showed that all hard candy product formulas have Staphylococcus aureus with antimicrobial and antioxidant activities; hence, increased catechin concentration significantly affects these activities. Products in formulas 17, 8, 18, 4, and 7 with 4-5 ratings after organoleptic testing are standard products manufactured in accordance with SNI 3547.1:2018.


Keywords: catechins, antioxidants, antibacterial hard candy.



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