Marketing Logistics in Reaching Organizational Excellence: Mediating Role of the European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model
This study is novel because it gathered between constructs of marketing logistics and reaching organizational excellence according to variables of the EFQM model. This hybrid gathering between constructs was not presented before – as far as the researcher knows – and it may help marketers and marketing managers in supporting marketing department efforts through the aid of excellence models, which may have the ability to increase the success factors of the marketing department. The current study aimed at examining the influence of marketing logistics dimensions (such as customer profiling, goods distribution, transportation, packaging & information, customer service, and reverse logistics) on organizational efforts in order to reach organizational excellence through the mediating influence of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) excellence model. The study adopted the quantitative approach through a questionnaire distributed to a total of 189 marketing managers or their representative within 591 food manufacturing and packaging organizations in Jordan. Through AMOS and SPSS, the study results accepted the central hypothesis. Therefore, it appeared that marketing logistics could aid organizational efforts to reach organizational excellence through the mediating influence of the EFQM excellence model. Among variables of marketing logistics adopted, the study referred that customer profiling was the most influential in supporting organizational efforts to reach excellence, followed directly by customer satisfaction. It indicated that all internal operations directed towards customers might help deliver the organization to excellence. In terms of mediating influence of EFQM excellence mode, the study indicated that marketing logistics unite with EFQM to support all sensitive areas of marketing strategies within an organization, which can develop results of EFQM efforts through supporting enablers. The study recommended the need for food manufacturing and packaging organization in Jordan to focus more on good distribution and transportation of their goods based on profiling their customer and locating high-demand areas.
Keywords: marketing logistics, European Foundation for Quality Management excellence model, enablers, results, operations.
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