Marketing EffectivenessModel of Tourism Business in Thailand
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the role of competitive advantages and digital marketing on effective marketing in the tourism business of Thailand. In this study, the moderation role of price also determines effective marketing strategies. Digital technologies enable businesses to communicate with customers through advanced digital applications, though being responsive towards competitors with minimum resources. The facility for tourists to seek information regarding tourism services must be timely, correctly, and readily available through several digital technologies. The present study is a quantitative type, and a technological data collection method was used in the study. Copies of the questionnaire were emailed to the respondents who were IT, business, and marketing managers. Collected information sorted and analyzed through SMART-PLS. The analyzed results found that digital marketing and competitive advantages significantly influence marketing effectiveness. The moderating role of price is partially supported in this study. The results indicate that all hypotheses are supported except H5. The present study is essential to assess the digital marketing role in the tourism industry and helpful in marketing effectiveness.
Keywords: marketing effectiveness, digital marketing, price, competitive advantages.
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