The Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse through Teachers’ Knowledge Enhancement in Sexual Education Implementation

Ellya Rakhmawati, Noor Rochman Hadjam, Akif Khilmiyah


The frequent occurrence of sexual abuse cases and media reports cause parents to worry about their children's safety. In 2015, the school took the initiative in implementing sexual education by carrying out the first training for teachers. The training aims to prepare teachers to answer children's questions about sexuality. Teachers' knowledge of sexual education is necessary to educate the prevention of sexual abuse to children. This study helps teachers determine the perspectives of sexual education implementation in a kindergarten in Semarang City. The study uses a qualitative method with an Interpretative Phenomenology Analysis approach. The purposive sampling technique with specific criteria is applied to teachers with five years of experience teaching kindergarten students and who possess a teaching certificate. The data were obtained through observation and in-depth interviews with four kindergarten teachers in Semarang. This study presents four themes, including teacher perception toward sexual abuse, teachers' knowledge of child sexual education, teachers' methods and attitudes to prevent sexual abuse, and the learning strategy used by the school in implementing sexual education. Teachers' knowledge of sexual education is crucial to protecting children from sexual abuse. In addition, teachers' attitudes, roles, and learning strategies impact the application of sexual education in school. Sexual education materials that have been implemented in school emphasize the cognitive domain, including introducing genitalia, understanding pregnancy, the birth of a child, and the child's body.


Keywords: knowledge, child sexual abuse, sexual prevention, sexual education implementation.


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