Prevalence and Risk of Anemia During Pregnancy

Nuke Devi Indrawati, Maria Ulfah Kurnia Dewi, Dian Nintyasari Mustika, Dewi Puspitaningrum, Siti Nurjanah, Azizatus Sabila


Anemia is a problem experienced by 41.8% of pregnant women worldwide. Riskesdas data 2018 on pregnant women in Indonesia with Anemia is 48.9%. Anemia in pregnant women can be multifactorial, from pure iron, folate, B12 deficiency, and malaria/hemolytic or sickle cell disease. Anemia in pregnancy is influenced by poverty, lacking nutritional intake, gender inequality, and ignorance about the proper diet. Pregnant women need many nutrients to meet the body's needs for themselves and their fetuses. For pregnant women, anemia plays a role in increasing the prevalence of maternal mortality and morbidity. The study aimed to analyze the prevalence and risk of anemia during pregnancy. The new thing in this study is that research conducted using the baby's chest circumference variables and the length of the baby's body was also investigated. Of the 50 babies studied, 2 were born with a head circumference < 33 cm, and 3 were born with a length < 48cm. After being processed with the baby's weight, the results showed no relation between the baby's chest circumference and weight. This study used a retrospective cohort with a sample of 50 mothers with 1-year-old children in the city of Semarang. There is a relationship between the status of newborns, gestational age, length of the baby's body, and the frequency of ANC. At the same time, the variables that did not exist with the status of the newborn were education level, consumption of Fe tablets, Hb TM I, Hb TM II, and Hb TM III. These results are expected as input for the Health Office to enhance outreach activities evenly to pregnant women.


Keywords: anemia, pregnancy, prevalence, risk factor.


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